Perhaps you’ve heard the analogy that a good user experience is like a joke, you shouldn’t have to explain it. It’s not a leap to use that analogy as reasoning for supporting an active focus on optimizing internationalization and localization. If global user communities are important to you, they should be experiencing a product that is right in step with your feature development.
The mechanics of achieving that globalization goal can be difficult, especially in light of fast and frequent release cycles with small incremental changes and even traditional vendor capabilities. Globalization without automation makes for much work and process that can be prone to errors, omissions and extra expense.
There is no doubt that implementing continuous globalization in software development will have some very happy outcomes. I can write that having seen it from organization to organization when we work with development and localization teams. It makes L10n cool and even a visible, natural aspect of product development. In this webinar, we’re going to show how it works.
We’ll provide a live, hands-on example of the development and L10n workflow:
- Updating source code
- Adding strings to the U/I
- Automatically checking for i18n issues
- Automated file packaging from the source repository and sending them off for translation
- Verifying the files upon return and updating of the source repo
We will also discuss both the impacts of continuous globalization on business objectives and development, localization and localization vendor teams.