How Top Companies Stay Agile While Localizing and Internationalizing Software

Localization was once an afterthought in the software development community, only considered at the end of the development process, after a  product had been designed and developed.  But that doesn’t have to be the case with continuous localization and internationalization products like those offered by Lingoport.

Weekly, and even sometimes daily releases are now the norm for many companies instead of annual or biannual releases that happened in the past. 

Agile practices have replaced the “waterfall” approach to software development so that developers can move faster and adapt to user requirements more efficiently. Automation and best practices for agile localization are essential to keep up with the speed and concurrent projects that agile development enables.  

Using Lingoport’s Globalyzer or Localyzer continuous localization tools during development can keep your developers focused on the task of creating your products without the drag on development that can occur when internationalization is left to the end of a development cycle. 

Read on to learn how the top companies stay agile while localizing and internationalizing software.

Let’s get started!

Tips and Benchmarks for Organizations to Stay Agile

In order to stay agile while localizing and internationalizing software, companies need to :

  • Build a Strong Team

Making software accessible and practical in any language is no easy task. Beginning the process after your product is out to the public adds an additional layer of complexity. 

Traditionally, localization necessitated years of translation experience, as well as knowledge of application and software development. This was (and is) a labor-intensive and expensive process. 

Your company might benefit from an organized and well-managed localization team consisting of the following:

  • Localization Engineer: Responsible for creating and maintaining workflow processes.
  • Project Manager: Dedicated to supervising project tasks and schedules.
  • QA Manager: Accountable for the quality of your final localized product.
  • Time-Saving = Cost Saving

Traditionally developers worked on the features and product separately, and then they handed it over to the localization engineer or localization team to handle globalization once the software had been finalized. Removing this divisive step and leveraging tools to allow development and localization to happen at the same time cuts down on the development cost and resource commitment at every step. 

Incorporating tools such as Lingoport’s Globalyzer and Localyzer, localization can be a part of the development, rather than a separate step, saving your company valuable time and resources when performing these essential processes. 

  • Utilize Automation Platforms

Developers rely on automation tools more and more to make their jobs easier. Tools such as Lingoport’s Globalyzer and Localyzer can save your company valuable time and resources when performing these essential processes, eliminating hours of manual labor, speeding up and streamlining the entire process. 

QA doesn’t have to be as labor-intensive or time-consuming either. The formerly manual process can be a thing of the past by using a tool like Lingoport’s Localyzer QA where you can ensure your updates happen across all repositories. Translation reviewers can submit changes directly to the platform updating translations at the click of a button. 

Bottom Line

As a firm navigating the global marketplace, you’ll have to deal with localizing your software products eventually. If you incorporate localization at every step in the process using tools like the Lingoport Suite, you can minimize drag on development, saving time and money. 


Picture of Adam Asnes
Adam Asnes
Adam Asnes is the Founder and CEO of Lingoport, the industry leader in software internationalization products and services.
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