
What is the ideogram in i18n?

An ideogram or ideograph is a symbol that represents an idea or concept, independent of any particular language, and specific words or phrases. Some ideograms are comprehensible only by familiarity with prior conventions; others convey their meaning through pictorial resemblance to a physical object and thus may also be referred to as pictograms.

The term “ideogram” is often used to describe symbols of writing systems such as Egyptian hieroglyphs, Sumerian cuneiform, and Chinese characters. However, these symbols represent elements of a particular language, mostly words or morphemes (so that they are logograms), rather than objects or concepts. In these writing systems, a variety of strategies were employed in the design of logographic symbols. Pictographic symbols depict the object referred to by the word, such as an icon of a bull denoting the Semitic word ʾālep “ox”.

Some ideograms are used in many languages, such as the percentage sign (%), the at sign (@), and the ampersand (&). Other ideograms are used in only one language, such as the Chinese character for “man” (男) or the Japanese character for “mountain” (山).

Ideograms can be used to represent a wide range of concepts, including objects, actions, emotions, and abstract ideas. They can be used to simplify the text, to make it more concise and easier to read. They can also be used to add emphasis or to create a sense of visual interest.

Ideograms are a powerful tool that can be used to make writing more effective and efficient. They can be used to communicate ideas across languages and cultures and to create a more visually appealing and engaging text.

Here are a few key points about ideograms:

  1. Meaningful Symbols: Ideograms are pictorial or abstract symbols that represent a concept or idea. They can convey complex meanings through a single symbol or a combination of symbols. Unlike phonetic writing systems that represent spoken sounds, ideograms represent the essence of the concept they represent.
  2. Cross-Linguistic Communication: Ideograms have the advantage of being able to convey meaning across different languages and cultures. Since they are not tied to specific spoken languages, they can be understood by people who speak different languages but share a common understanding of the symbol’s meaning.
  3. Examples of Ideograms: Chinese characters, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Mayan glyphs are examples of ideograms. These writing systems use symbols to represent concepts, objects, or ideas directly. Each symbol has its own meaning or can be combined with other symbols to form more complex meanings.
  1. Complementing Phonetic Writing Systems: Ideograms often coexist with phonetic writing systems in languages that use them. In such cases, ideograms can be used alongside phonetic symbols to provide additional layers of meaning or to represent concepts that may be difficult to express phonetically.
  2. Cultural Significance: Ideograms can hold cultural and historical significance, reflecting the traditions, beliefs, and values of a particular culture or civilization. They can provide insights into the worldview and cultural heritage of a society.

Read Keyboards and Internationalization.

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