View Webinar Recording Below
Global businesses know that continued success outside of home markets is driven by quality world-ready products. The trouble is, however, that measuring internationalization quality and progress of software products as they are adapted for world markets is cumbersome and time intensive.
Are you managing a team of developers and are sometimes challenged by the lack of detailed progress visibility? What if there was a single place where internationalization progress was visible to development teams as well as management?
In this one hour webinar you’ll learn how entire software development departments will be empowered to measure, report and track internationalization progress, taking the guesswork out of i18n.
Webinar: “Internationalization Quality and Progress at a Glance”
Time and Date: This webinar was originally held on Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Recording: View Webinar Recording Below
Presenters: Gary Lefman, Internationalization Architect at Cisco Systems, Adam Asnes, CEO & President at Lingoport, and Olivier Libouban, Globalization Lead at Lingoport
Twitter Hash-Tag: #LPDash
We are very excited to have Gary Lefman of Cisco join us for this webinar presentation. If you don’t know Gary, make sure to follow his tweets at @CiscoL10n.
We are planning on making this webinar as interactive as possible. Feel free to submit any questions in advance as the person submitting the best question submitted before or during the webinar will win a surprise gift for you to enjoy or to share with your colleagues.
Can’t attend the life he event? No worries, all registrants will receive the link to the webinar recording.