Webinar Recording: Making Static Analysis Work for i18n & L10n
Static Analysis is process that can be used to measure coding quality and find issues that can be difficult and unwieldy to discover during testing. In the recording below, Adam Asnes shows how the components of Globalyzer Express integrate with development an provide proactive information on internationalization and localization status and changes for legacy software and ongoing agile development.
Please note that the visual presentation starts about one minute into the recording.
Making Static Analysis Work for Software Internationalization and Localization 12-18-13 10.04 AM from Lingoport on Vimeo.
A proactive approach to building and maintaining software supporting global customers, and their language and cultural requirements
Static Analysis, a process of evaluating source code for ongoing development without running the software like during testing, has been effectively harnessed for supporting quality, security and other coding requirements. We will show how it can be applied to globalized software development for big productivity and release gains.
What’s Good: Potential as a big time saver, better quality and releases. Quickly find and assist with internationalization (i18n) and ongoing U/I changes affecting localization (L10n).
What’s Bad: If it’s not properly implemented, static analysis can be a forest of false-positive issue distractions.
We’ll take a practical look at how to make static analysis internationalization and localization work for your team.