N7M Puzzle Challenge #2

numeronyms puzzle

The winner of last week’s N7M challenge is Ellen Bossert!  Congratulations Ellen.

The correct response was  “Lingoport challenges the localization community to the magnificent numeronym puzzle contest”

Here is a new one for this week

Lingoport e5d p11g in t1e #SDLConnect18 e3t l2t w2k in S3a C3a

How to Play

Welcome to the Lingoport numeronyms puzzle contest.  Numeronyms are spelled with letters and numbers.  For example, the numeronym for internationalization is i18n and localization is L10n.

Here is an example of how the puzzles work.  You will be given a phrase written in numeronyms and you will have to decipher it:

It is f1n to d6r a n7m

The solution is:    It is fun to decipher a numeronym

The first contest is below and the first person to correctly solve the puzzle will win a prize.  Simply email your solution to n7m@lingoport.com.

Note, if you win and don’t want your name to be published, please say so in your email.  In order to make the challenge fair, you may only enter 1 response per day.  If you enter more than one per day, only your first response will be counted.

Lingoport c8s t1e L10n c7y to t1e m9t n7m p4e c5t

Good luck !

The L7t N7M team

P.S.  If no one solves the puzzle we will provide hints every couple of days.


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