Software localization is a widely reported friction point and is ripe for innovation. Developers usually want to focus on features while the localization team is at a disadvantage trying to keep up and have their message understood.
In this 2-part webinar series, we’re going to discuss innovations and new technologies to realize a faster and more localized product future, turning localization into a development super power. When you register, you’ll automatically be signed up for both sessions. You won’t have to attend both to get value, but they do build upon one another.
- Session 1: Wednesday, December 16, 9AM PT, Noon ET, 18:00 CET
- Session 2: Wednesday, January 20, 9AM PT, Noon ET, 18:00 CET
A History of Inefficient Waterfall Processes
Even with faster localization and automation, the industry is still slapping a words-focused waterfall process onto agile development, and that costs time, money and productivity.
Most development teams are using agile principles and continuous integration, but development and localization are still challenging to execute on the same timetables.
- Translators are reduced to firing out short bursts of words, typically without much context to go on
- Engineers are reduced to clerks for file changes
- Localization testing is late and a nest of manual processes
It’s time to change all that.
What You Will Learn:
Session 1:
Our first webinar will look at the overall agile localization process with an emphasis on the components of QA, integration and scale and how that gives rise to faster and earlier localization during development.
- Understanding the developer’s world and continuous systems
- Your TMS is not part of the developer’s world
- Pain around Localization QA and why it’s a fulcrum for speed
- Our solution – New product innovation
- TMS v. MT in the world of LocalyzerQA
- An overall approach to faster, better software localization (quick i18n, L10n, QA together)
Session 2:
Our second webinar will focus deeper on a new way to look at linguistic and functional QA, quick i18n & localization on-boarding, and how that impacts localization upstream. You won’t have to attend both to get value, but they do build upon one another.
- Software as agile, localization stuck in waterfall
- Overview of the lean localization process
- Linguistic QA and how that impacts software localization
- Localizers with a bigger role than banging out words
- A new opportunity for MT vs. Humans and TMS for software development
- Fast i18n & L10n impacts with Lingoport’s new Express products
- Scaling up from small to large teams and multiple products
All of this will be shown with examples, code and real-time translation.
Who Should Attend
- Product managers
- Localization leaders
- Software leaders and developers who are thinking globally