I18n Gremlins are sneaky issues that work their way into your code and foul up localization. They can be hard for developers to recognize, and the code may work fine until you localize, but at that point, it’s far too late.
A Proactive Approach to Gremlin HuntingIn the webinar, we discuss clear examples of the most pernicious of gremlins, how to catch them early (when they are easy to fix), and processes to keep i18n and L10n up with development and QA. Issues we’ll be exploring include:
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Putting Localization Quality at RiskFor localization managers, i18n issues put software localization quality at risk, delivering an uncertain user experience for important target markets. It’s not cute when your application has messages that don’t make sense due to concatenations, when date or number formats are wrong or when gender or pluralization make the message inappropriate. |
Webinar Recorded
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Duration: 45 minutes, plus audience Q&A
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